Wednesday 2 November 2011

Assignment Answers

2. Based on your readings, answer the following questions.

a.       What do you understand from your readings regarding the issue?

The issue that I chose is pet abuse. What I understand after reading the five articles is that pet abuse cases happen in Malaysia very frequently. It happens back to back; the moment the authorities are done with one case, another case comes in. There are many people out there in our country who really torture and abuse pets by killing them, giving them drugs, make them fast, beat them up, torture them, giving them outdated medicines and so on. Pets are also a living thing and they have feelings too and I feel some people out there fail to understand that. They have to understand the fact that pets are also not products. There are people out there who use pet fur to make clothes. In other words, they will have to kill the pet to get the fur out of them and this is also considered as pet abuse to my understanding. It is also a shame to know that other countries have also got to know on how horribly certain Malaysians torture their pets. This itself shows that Malaysians torture their pets quite bad for the news to be international. But as much as we are less fortunate, we are also fortunate in a way that there are also people here who are against all the pet abuse cases and want severe action to be taken to make sure that this stops and does not happen anymore. They use social networks like facebook, twitter and blog for all the pet lovers to get instant updates on what is happening like animal abuse cases or any rescue missions. The government should amend the law by increasing the fine to animal abusers so that the pet abusers will get scared and will take this matter more seriously. Pet owners should also take total responsibility over their pet once they own it and not neglect their pet.

b.      Why do you think it occurs? Explain your answer.

After reading the articles, I understand that there are actually a few reasons why pet abuse occurs and not one or two. One of the reasons why pet abuse occur is because of entertainment. Drug addicts abuse their pets by giving their pet drugs so that they can see what actions their pets will do after consuming the drug and this will be like a source of entertainment to the drug addicts. They enjoy seeing their pets do this. Either than  that, pet abuse cases also occur because if frustration. Some owners don’t know how to let go or ease their anger so they let it go on their pets. They either beat them or there are even cases where the pet owners have also killed their pets and then they will throw the pet elsewhere so that they don’t get caught by the police. Further more, there are also cases where owners send their pets for fights so that they can earn money. They train their pets from young and then they send them for fights. They don’t care if their pets are injured or not after the fight, all they are concern about it just the money that they are going to earn because of the fight.

c.       Explain their impacts on :
i.                    Society

To my understanding, the impact of pet abuse in society will be bad. Pet lovers will be very angry and frustrated with pet abusers and this may also cause arguments and fights among themselves which is not good for the society. If the police officers don’t take the pet abuse cases seriously and don’t take action immediately then the pet abusers will not be afraid of committing the act over and over again because they know that they will not get caught. This will also create a bad impact on society. It will show how irresponsible our police officers are and also will show how citizens of our country take advantage of situations and circumstances.

ii.                  Nation

From what I understand, pet abuse cases in Malaysia have caused a big impact on our nation and it is a bad impact. The pet abuse cases in our country are that bad that it was the headlines in countries like America and Europe. It is a known fact that after people in the country see these headlines, their impression on Malaysia and its citizens will be bad. They will be wondering what kind of inhuman and inconsiderate people we have in our country. Animal lovers in foreign countries also will have a bad impression on our people. There are also chances for the economy in our country to go down as there may be people who would not want to come to Malaysia for holidays anymore knowing that there will be pet abuse cases everywhere and they wouldn’t want to see such a case with their own eyes. Businessman may also not want to do business or have any relationship with our country knowing that we have also such inhuman and inconsiderate citizens in our country.

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