Wednesday 30 November 2011

Ethos, Pathos and Logos Essay about Hunger

Ethos, Pathos and Logos Essay about Hunger
Nowadays, people like to enjoy their lives in a luxuries way. People have the ability to satisfy their needs and want however this causes the wastage of resources. The most terrible resources that humans nowadays are wasting is food. They can just throw the good food because of ordering too much. People here are wasting food but on the other side of the world there are people dying of hunger. How do you feel when you are throwing your food and there are people dying at the same time because of hunger?

In Africa, there are many people who don’t have enough food and drinks to consume and therefore they die out of starvation as they have not had anything to eat for days and weeks. The Africans who die from starvation varies from old people to babies. There are also Africans who eat sand to fill their hunger because they have nothing to eat. Besides that, there are so many people who even go to Africa just to take pictures of how the people there survive. There was even a story of a photographer who went to Africa and captured a picture of a bird eating a small child. This photographer is so inhuman; he should have helped the small child instead of capturing the photo of the bird eating the child.

According to the religious point of view, human should not waste just food but also all the things that they are having and possessing. We must appreciate everything and be grateful of what we have like home and shelter. For Chinese people, after a person dies, the spirit will have to finish all the food that they have wasted during their life. It is a kind of virtue if you know how to be grateful of what you have. It determines what kind of person you are. Nowadays, people just throw away their food whenever they like or maybe because they are full already. Parents play a major role in this. Children should be taught not to waste food, tey can just consume a suitable portion of food, not too much and not too less. This kind of practice must be cultivated since they are young.

Due to the existence of shortage of food, people should be aware of not wasting food. There is a legal act in Japan that allows the restaurant owner to charge extra money on the food that is left by the customer. This act will be a warning to the customers from wasting food excessively. People should also be rational in buying the food that what they actually need instead of buying excessive good. For example, we need to buy the right amount of food that we are able to consume rather than buying the amount of food that exceeds our appetite. This is because we are wasting food and also money that we are using to buy the food.

As a conclusion, everyone must always appreciate what they have and also think about the people who are suffering in hunger. Parents must teach their children not to waste food. People here are wasting food while people in Africa and suffering in hunger. How would you feel if this happens to you? Besides that, the price of food is also very expensive nowadays so if you are wasting your food, you are also wasting your money at the same time. Therefore, we should appreciate what we have.

Compare and Contrast Two Movies Bride Wars and Confessions of a Shopaholic

Compare and Contrast Two Movies Bride Wars and Confessions of a Shopaholic

Watching movies is one type of entertainment for people. People can watch movies to fill up their free time, to relive stress and to gain general knowledge. Different movies bring different perceptions to people who are watching it. Some people feel happy, some sad, some scared and some romantic. The two different movies that I watched are Confessions of a Shopaholic and Bride Wars. This two movies are similar to each other and also different from each other in their own ways.

First of all, both the movies are chick flick movies. They are movies about girls and their lives. Confession of a Shopaholic is a movie about a girl who just loves to shop and spends all her money and savings on shopping. In the same way, Bride Wars is a story about two best friends who are going to get married.

Besides that, the story line of this two movies also varies from each other. Confessions of a Shopaholic is a movie about a girl who spends all her money and savings on shopping until her credit card debts are so high that she decides to sell all her clothes away at the end to pay off her debts whereas Bride Wars is a movie about two best friends who are going to get married and about all the preparations that they are doing for the marriage without knowing that both of their marriages are on the same day.

Lastly, both characters in both the movies want to have everything perfect in life. The character in Confessions of a Shopaholic wants to have all the best clothes and all the luxury items that they sell in the shops to make her have the high-class look. Similar to that, the characters in Bride Wars also want their wedding to be perfect. They do so many preparations before their wedding so that on their wedding day, there will be no flaws and everything will go on smoothly.

As a conclusion, both the movies Bride Wars and Confessions of a Shopaholic have their own similarities and differences. People’s perspectives on both this movies may be the same and may be different.

Contrast Essay for Summer and Winter

Contrast Essay for Summer and Winter

The four seasons are like a decoration to the earth, it makes the nature more beautiful. Sometimes, people’s daily activities depend on the weather. The habits and style of life change as the seasons vary. Summer is the hottest season whereas winter is the coldest one. People will carry out their daily activities based on the weather. These are a few ways how different seasons affect people's daily routine in terms of their food, clothes and activities.

First of all, the type of food people consume varies during summer and winter. In summer, because the weather is so hot, people would prefer to eat cold food like ice-cream to keep them cold. However, during winter, people will prefer to eat hot and spicy food which would help them to keep themselves warm like steamboat, hot soup, curry laksa and more.

Besides that, people’s way of dressing also tends to change because of the different seasons. During winter, people will normally wear thick and warm clothes which are the most appropriate attire to keep themselves not so cold. On the other hand, during summer people will usually wear casual clothes like jeans, t-shirts, shorts, dress and sleeveless tops to keep them not so warm.

There are also different types of activities that can be carried out during summer and winter. Summer is the time where people will usually go travelling and it is also the best weather for outdoor activities. It is easier to go sight-seeing in summer compared to winter. During winter, ice-skating is one of the most favorite and popular sport that can be carried out especially in the western countries.

As a conclusion, food, clothes and activities of people will be affected by the different seasons. Summer and winter have their own characteristics .People have different style of life during these two seasons. They enjoy the hottest of summer and the coldest of winter.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Assignment Answers

2. Based on your readings, answer the following questions.

a.       What do you understand from your readings regarding the issue?

The issue that I chose is pet abuse. What I understand after reading the five articles is that pet abuse cases happen in Malaysia very frequently. It happens back to back; the moment the authorities are done with one case, another case comes in. There are many people out there in our country who really torture and abuse pets by killing them, giving them drugs, make them fast, beat them up, torture them, giving them outdated medicines and so on. Pets are also a living thing and they have feelings too and I feel some people out there fail to understand that. They have to understand the fact that pets are also not products. There are people out there who use pet fur to make clothes. In other words, they will have to kill the pet to get the fur out of them and this is also considered as pet abuse to my understanding. It is also a shame to know that other countries have also got to know on how horribly certain Malaysians torture their pets. This itself shows that Malaysians torture their pets quite bad for the news to be international. But as much as we are less fortunate, we are also fortunate in a way that there are also people here who are against all the pet abuse cases and want severe action to be taken to make sure that this stops and does not happen anymore. They use social networks like facebook, twitter and blog for all the pet lovers to get instant updates on what is happening like animal abuse cases or any rescue missions. The government should amend the law by increasing the fine to animal abusers so that the pet abusers will get scared and will take this matter more seriously. Pet owners should also take total responsibility over their pet once they own it and not neglect their pet.

b.      Why do you think it occurs? Explain your answer.

After reading the articles, I understand that there are actually a few reasons why pet abuse occurs and not one or two. One of the reasons why pet abuse occur is because of entertainment. Drug addicts abuse their pets by giving their pet drugs so that they can see what actions their pets will do after consuming the drug and this will be like a source of entertainment to the drug addicts. They enjoy seeing their pets do this. Either than  that, pet abuse cases also occur because if frustration. Some owners don’t know how to let go or ease their anger so they let it go on their pets. They either beat them or there are even cases where the pet owners have also killed their pets and then they will throw the pet elsewhere so that they don’t get caught by the police. Further more, there are also cases where owners send their pets for fights so that they can earn money. They train their pets from young and then they send them for fights. They don’t care if their pets are injured or not after the fight, all they are concern about it just the money that they are going to earn because of the fight.

c.       Explain their impacts on :
i.                    Society

To my understanding, the impact of pet abuse in society will be bad. Pet lovers will be very angry and frustrated with pet abusers and this may also cause arguments and fights among themselves which is not good for the society. If the police officers don’t take the pet abuse cases seriously and don’t take action immediately then the pet abusers will not be afraid of committing the act over and over again because they know that they will not get caught. This will also create a bad impact on society. It will show how irresponsible our police officers are and also will show how citizens of our country take advantage of situations and circumstances.

ii.                  Nation

From what I understand, pet abuse cases in Malaysia have caused a big impact on our nation and it is a bad impact. The pet abuse cases in our country are that bad that it was the headlines in countries like America and Europe. It is a known fact that after people in the country see these headlines, their impression on Malaysia and its citizens will be bad. They will be wondering what kind of inhuman and inconsiderate people we have in our country. Animal lovers in foreign countries also will have a bad impression on our people. There are also chances for the economy in our country to go down as there may be people who would not want to come to Malaysia for holidays anymore knowing that there will be pet abuse cases everywhere and they wouldn’t want to see such a case with their own eyes. Businessman may also not want to do business or have any relationship with our country knowing that we have also such inhuman and inconsiderate citizens in our country.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Contrast of Summer and Winter


The four seasons are like a decoration to the earth,it makes the nature more beautiful. Sometimes, peoples daily activities depend on the weather.the habits and style of life change as the seasons vary.summer is the hottest season whereas winter is the coldest one.people will carry out their daily activities based on the weather. These are a few ways how different seasons affect people's daily routine in terms of their food,clothes and activities.

Body paragraph

1.Topic sentence: The type of food people consume varies during summer and winter.
Supporting details:
a) In summer, because the weather is very hot, people prefer to eat cold food, like ice-cream, snowflakes and more.
b)However, during winter, people will prefer hot and spicy food which would help them to keep warm, like steamboat, hot soup, curry laksa and more.

2. Topic sentence: People's way of dressing tends to change because of the different seasons.
Supporting details:
a)During summer, people will usually wear casual clothes, like jeans, T-shirt, dress and sleeveless top.
b)Thick and warm clothes are the appropriate attire to wear during winter.

3. Topic sentence: Different types of activities can be carried out during summer and winter.
Supporting details:
a)Summer is time where people will usually go travelling and it is the best weather to have outdoor activities.
b)Ice-skating is one of the most favourite and popular sport that can be carried out during winter.


As a conclusion,food,clothes and activities of people will be affected by the different seasons.Summer and winter have their own characteristics.People have different style of life during this two seasons.they enjoy the hottest of summer and the coldest of winter.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Quotes :)

You really know you love someone when all you want is for them to be happy, even if that means that you are not a part of it.

English Homework

1. We walked around the beautiful streets with flowers.

2. Ah Beng was very restless because the lecture was uninteresting.

3. The attitude of children from broken homes have been studied by psychologists.

4. An angry customer went vigorously into the manager's office.

5. The two people who witnessed the accident must give a statement in court.